Other Genealogical Organizations
General Society of Mayflower Descendants | A lineage society for all descendants of Mayflower passengers who left posterity. Application is made through any of 52 state societies (including D.C. and Canada). Precise procedures and fees vary by state society. Final approval of applications (including lineages) is made by the General Society in Plymouth, Massachusetts. |
Daughters of the American Revolution | “Society founded: October 11, 1890; incorporated by an Act of the United States Congress in 1896. DAR Objectives: Historic Preservation, Promotion of Education and Patriotic Endeavor DAR Motto: God, Home and Country Membership: Over 172,000 members” |
Sons of the American Revolution | The Sons of the American Revolution is a male lineage society that seeks to maintain and expand the meaning of patriotism, respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of “e pluribus unum” that was created from the people of many nations — one nation and one people. |
Hereditary Order of the Families of Presidents and First Ladies of America | This organization’s membership is comprised of lineal and collateral descendants of one or more President’s or First Ladies. Since John and Priscilla were 2nd-great-grandparents to President John Adams, and 3rd-great-grandparents to President John Quincy Adams, then by definition all members of the Alden Kindred of America are cousins to some degree of those two presidents, and are therefore eligible for membership in the HOFPFLA. |
National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims | The Society was organized on December 21, 1908, by Dr. Thomas W. Bicknell. Dr. Bicknell applied the term Pilgrim broadly to all those who arrived in the American colonies prior to 1700 as “emigrants from restricted rights and privileges to a land of large opportunities and larger freedom.” Currently about 1500 members. State chapters. |
Mayflower Family Societies
William Bradford Society
Elder William Brewster Society
Robert Bartlett Society
Francis Cooke Society
Edward Doty Society
William Harlow Society
Thomas Rogers Society
Pilgrim John Howland Society
Soule Kindred in America
Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society