Linda Johnson, M.D., PhD – Member at Large

As a descendant of David Alden, John and Priscilla Alden’s tenth child, I am excited to be considered for membership on the Board of Alden Kindred of America. A bit about me:

I am a retired neurologist, having practiced in the Kansas City area and in Quincy, Illinois.

My interest in genealogy over several decades began with asking relatives about their parents and grandparents, followed by searches in libraries and on the internet. That led to my discovery of my Alden ancestors and affiliation with AKA.

My past volunteer work includes membership on the board of the Quincy Civic Music Association, where I eventually became president. We brought outstanding classical musicians to Quincy for performances. After retirement, while living in Minneapolis, I volunteered at the science museum and joined the board of a modern dance company that had a school of dance and provided young professional artists the chance to work with choreographers. I enjoy traveling with my husband and being with my two daughters and two granddaughters.

Annual Report
Annual Report