Alden Building Campaign
“Preserving the Past From Timber to Technology”
The Alden Building Campaign
“I know my gift to the Capital Campaign is vital. Our heritage and history won’t take care of itself unless we help it become a reality going forward with our generous contributions, whether large or small.”
— Judy Cole. AKA member
Alden Building Campaign goals:
A. Preserve our historic assets by creating a dedicated fund for preservation of our National Historic Landmark.
B. Build a two-story addition to the Alden Barn to create the Center for Living History.
C. Continue to expand our financial base to meet the capacity building for this next century.


Please support the Alden Building Campaign by clicking on the Donate button below. Thank you!
If you would make a gift of real estate, stock or other securities please contact Desiree Mobed in the office at 781-934-9092.
Click here to review Campaign Question and Answers.