Acceptable Documentation

Following is the list of the types of documentation that are acceptable to prove lineages for membership in the Alden Kindred of America, Inc. This list is also sent to all applicants by the Genealogist.

Primary Sources

Made at the time of the event or by a reliable witness to the event:

Birth, marriage, and death certificates and records:

Each certificate must be a “long form” showing all of the information in the original record (“short form” certificates that do not give the names of parents are not acceptable).

If you receive a certificate with “incorrect” information on it, do not alter the certificate. Attach any explanations for discrepancies in the records on a separate sheet of paper.

Photocopies from microfilm records must identify the source. Photocopies from published vital records must include identification of the book/books from which records are copied.

Family records:

Bibles, letters, diaries, etc. Identify the author or original owner as well as the present owner and location of records. Make photocopies of all pertinent pages. If information cannot be photocopied, notarized typed transcriptions may be submitted.

Church and town records, gravestones, probates and deeds:

Clearly identify the source of the record and submit a photocopy or typed transcription. Photographs of gravestones must be legible or accompanied by a typed transcription. Published transcriptions of records are acceptable (include identification of the book/books from which records are copied).

Federal and state census records:

Copies from microfilm or CD-ROMs must be legible or accompanied by a typed transcription. Abstracts must identify microfilm roll, state, county, town, and page numbers.

Secondary Sources

Works with references:

Published genealogies and histories that provide references are preferred. Examples of these types of works include works published by the Mayflower Society — The Mayflower Descendant, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Mayflower Families in Progress – and scholarly genealogical publications – The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, The American Genealogist, etc. Except for the above, a photocopy of the title page of each book must be included.

Works without references:

Any published work that does not give the sources for its statements must be supported by at least one primary document per generation confirming the line. A photocopy of the title page of each book must be included.

Internet sources:

Photocopies or printouts from the Internet are secondary and must include identification of the source. Pedigrees and unsupported material posted on the Internet are not acceptable.

Circumstantial Evidence may be considered only when the applicant demonstrates that all reasonable attempts to locate primary evidence have been exhausted

Information can be sent to the Genealogist at Alden Kindred of America, Inc., P.O. Box 2754, Duxbury, MA 02331-2754. One can mail hard copy, e-mail MS Word documents, send GEDCOM or PAF files (or mailing disks), scan photos/documents and send on a CD, or any other way that might be compatible with a PC (no MAC). If you have further specific questions, please contact our Genealogist at

Annual Report
Annual Report