
Alden Kindred of America’s (AKA) members play a unique role in history. From the stewardship of our National Historic Landmark, The Alden House Historic Site, to exploring our expansive heritage, Alden Kindred members embody Alden spirit and tradition.

Our members enjoy deep satisfaction in their integral role in the preservation of a unique part of American history. Members help us continue the important work of preserving the Alden homestead and the history of the Alden family for current and future generations.

Membership benefits include:

  • free admission to The Alden House Historic Site
  • discounted tickets to exclusive events and family reunions
  • 10% discount on gift shop merchandise
  • exclusive newsletters and monthly e-newsletters
    Subscribe to our newsletter here
  • reduced facility rental rates
  • Opportunity to apply for Dr. Donnell B. Young scholarship for graduating high school students attending college (must also be lineage member). Click here to download the scholarship form.

Becoming a member is as simple as completing the form below and submitting with payment of your dues.

Alden New Member Enrollment

Enroll By Mail

To enroll by mail, please download our membership form:

Membership Form (PDF)

Enroll Online/Pay by Credit Card

Please fill out the form below then click the submit button:

    Member Information (Indicate title for each name: Ms./Mrs./Mr./Dr.)

    Please click on "submit" button to send your membership application information for processing.

    Certify Your Alden Lineage

    Click here to learn more about Alden lineage certification for members.

    Renew Your Membership

    Click below to renew an existing membership